

Helping You Explore

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What is Adventure Able?

Adventure-Able is a platform to plan your next outdoor adventure, inspired by our shared love of the outdoors.

From experience, we both recognize that planning a trip can be extremely stressful due to all the factors one has to take into consideration so we created a platform that simplifies the process.

Built using the Google Maps API and OpenAI's GPT4, Adventure Able provides up to date, personalized information

About Us

Hey! I'm Amanda, a first-year UBCO microbiology student teaming up with Eryk to learn more about programming, develop new skills, and bring a fun artistic touch to our project!

Hey there! My name is Eryk, I'm also a first year here at UBCO, planning on double majoring in Psychology and Computer Science. I've always loved programming and making things. This project is mine and amanda's solution to the problem of picking where to go when we want to have a fun hiking adventure, but it can be used for much more.